Microaggression occurs when we intentionally or unintentionally apply our assumptions or biases towards people with mental illness through our words, tone, or actions to express our snubs, rebuffs, or insults. Microaggression permeates every corner of our lives, with our words and actions perpetuating the stigma. Some examples of microaggression were mentioned during the journey. Let us look at more examples of microaggression.


You can tell whether people have depression from their appearance.

When we muster up our courage to share our lived experience of mental illness with our friends, we might sometimes be criticized or questioned whether we were joking. In fact, people with depression may not necessarily be unhappy at every second, and people with anxiety may not always be worrying. Even if people are diagnosed with the same mental disorder, a hundred people with depression will have one hundred different experiences and stories. Before saying out the above sentence, try to understand and listen to others’ stories.


I don't want to accept the fact that you have mental illness.

Those who say this may be worried about their loved ones or friends, and do not want people around them to face adversities. As a family member or friend, it may not be easy to accept this news at the moment. After all, given mental illness stigma in the society, mental illness is still an unfamiliar and unwelcome issue to a majority of people, including people in recovery themselves.

Therefore, your patience, support and companionship are especially important and valuable. In addition to supporting people in recovery in difficult situations, through listening to their stories, you can get to know them more deeply.


Mental illness can be used to mock people.

Many people may have heard or said this sentence before. It might have been said when we are joking with our friends, or when we are angry or scolding at others. However, Castle Peak Hospital is a place for people to receive treatment and recuperation. When we use it to make fun of people, it seems as if mental illness can be used as a joke. Imagine if Castle Peak Hospital is used to treat other diseases, such as cancer, it is very likely that others would not mock people with cancer.

We can pay more attention to others’ and our everyday speech, and do not make fun of mental illness, such as reducing the use of such terms as “relapsing”, “not taken meds yet”, “gone nuts”, “only psycho will go to Castle Peak Hospital “, “people with mental illness are crazy”, etc. We can pay attention to and correct the wording of people around us too. Over time, it could be powerful enough to change the social climate and bring a positive impact on the destigmatization of mental illness.

It's pitiful, he is suffering from mental illness and it’ll follow him for the rest of his life.


People with mental illness are unfortunate and can never recover.

Often, we may think that having mental illness is a very unfortunate event. However, we may only be able to see the beauty of life when we are experiencing some obstacles. Regardless of whether we have mental illness experience or not, we are all individuals with different aspects. “Disorder” is not the entirety of a person, nor it can represent a complete person.

Besides, through exploring treatment options that are appropriate to oneself, many people can recover from mental illness or find ways to live with mental illness, which may reduce the frequency, degree, and impact of symptoms on daily life. People can even find their meaning of life and develop self-worth in the process.

How to combat microaggression?

Ways to combat microaggression are rather straightforward. In the future, when we interact with people with mental illness, we can try to

  1. express our care and listen to them actively;
  2. pay attention to or correct our everyday speech and don’t make fun of mental illness;
  3. reflect on whether we have any assumptions about mental illness.

These simple actions can add up to affect the social climate. Never underestimate your influence, creating an equal society require concerted efforts from every one of us!

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