Mental illness should not be a taboo. When every one of us can express our thoughts and feelings about mental illness, we can facilitate discussion on this topic, thereby reducing stigma.

Participants will complete a questionnaire or answer a few questions. Information provided by the participants may be used for research purposes by Professor Winnie Mak from the Department of Psychology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. All personal information and records will be kept private. All research reports will only show the aggregate results, with no personal or identifiable information. According to the current research, participating in this study would not cause any discomfort or any potential harm.

Participation in this research is voluntary; you may withdraw from the study at anytime. If you have any enquiries about the study, you may contact our researcher through email (

By clicking the agree button, I understand the contents of this consent form and agree to its conditions:

  • Study purposes, procedures and potential risks
  • Participation is voluntary, and one can withdraw from the study at anytime
  • I am free to ask the researcher any questions at any time
  • All the data collected in this study, including personal contact information are only for research purposes
  • Research will only report aggregate results, personal information will remain undisclosed

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After experiencing the Amazing Adventure Against Stigma, how do you feel? Whether you have an opinion on mental illness stigma or a change of view on mental illness, you are welcome to share your thoughts.

If you are willing, your sharing may be published to this website or to the social media page of the Jockey Club TourHeart Project, so that the public can see how stigma emerges in real life. Our team may make appropriate edits to the content, including selecting content that are more related to our theme and deleting information that are identifiable, so as to fit our display and protect your privacy. If you don’t prefer others to read your response but still want to express your thoughts and feelings to our team, you may choose “not willing to share.”